Antena de Transponder TED
R$299,00Antena para Transponder
Mostrando todos os 7 resultadosClassificado por popularidade
Overview SkyView… the professional glass panel system for experimental and Light Sport aircraft. Future Expandability SkyView Overview: Experimental and LSA pilots know that they have the most technologically advanced GA aircraft flying. SkyView continues that tradition with the next generation of glass panels, offering fully redundant networks and systems, incredibly bright screens, design flexibility, and…
Antena GPS (Usada), com registro de remoção
Antena GPS Aeronáutica Garmin GA56
Antena Externa
Perfeita para usar com G3X, GPS portátil ou qualquer dispositivo da aeronave que precise de uma antena de GPS
Muito melhor e mais bonito que as antenas de sobrepor no painel